Re: Error message summaries, alerts and focus

Hi Nick,

This is an interesting issue and one we have also wrestled with. In my
opinion role="alert" and switching focus to a div which behaves like an
alert are mutually incompatible.

Personally, I do not agree with the recommendation to move focus to an
alert. For example, let's say there is a form, a person is entering text
into a textarea or wysiwgy type field. Moving focus will fire the onChange
event, this is, in my opinion, not desirable. Also, consider a form with
hundreds of fields, shifting focus to an alert at the start of the form
would be very disorientating.

If you absolutely have to shift focus, I would suggest that role="alert" is
not used. If anyone knows how to suppress the screen reader announcement in
these situations I would be interested.

On Mon, Aug 7, 2023 at 3:38 PM Nick Bromley <> wrote:

> When presenting a user with an error message summary outlining, for
> example, missing data in a form, it’s common for the message text to be
> injected into a div with role=”alert” so it is announced automatically by
> screen readers.
> (among others) recommends you also move keyboard focus to this
> error message summary
> <>, because
> the user can easily tab to the start of the form (assuming the summary
> appears at the top of the form, that is) and more easily correct errors.
> However, this then results in screen readers duplicating the announcement:
> once due to the alert and once due to the shift in focus. In some cases, a
> screen reader may read the message more than twice.
> Is this really an appropriate pattern? Can this duplicated announcement be
> avoided while maintaining the shift in focus?
> *- - -*
> *Nick Bromley*
> Director & Accessibility Consultant
> Red Kite Digital Accessibility Ltd

Received on Monday, 7 August 2023 18:10:34 UTC