Re: 2.4.7 Focus Visible

You are of course entitled to your opinion, Marc, although it feels as if
you are just arguing for the sake of it, but the web is awash with
discussions specifically regarding focus-visible, checkboxes and the awful
UX of the default ones, so the majority would not agree with you.

Currently we need onfocus, or a :focus-within selector and since there is
no way to determine heuristics from the focus event interface, and there is
no focus-visible-within, we are left with a choice of a terrible outline
using focus-visible or much better UX using focus. Indeed, one prime use
for :has(), which is not yet fully supported, has been touted to solve the
focus-visible-within issue and the checkbox issue is often the reason for
such discussion.

On Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 9:00 PM Marc Haunschild (Accessibility Consulting)
<> wrote:

> Applying an outline around the actual checkbox is awful UX, who does that?
> I find it very helpful to know where I am. Like a bookmark.
> What’s awful about this?
> Your example illustrates this:
> I like it…

Received on Thursday, 13 July 2023 21:28:22 UTC