Re: 2.4.7 Focus Visible

On 12/07/2023 22:40, Michael Livesey wrote:

> A lot of statements have been made in this discussion, such as "we can't 
> add a focus advisory because all browser would fail by default". 
> However, in actual fact, all browser do fail by default on 
> radio/checkbox controls. Neither respond to focus-visible, neither 
> respond to keyboard focus natively.

They do, and they do.

> As the below link to accessible IT from Illinois education demonstrates, 
> we need to apply focus programmatically using events.

That's because the link points to a custom implementation. In the first 
two, the JS adds a class to the wrapping <label> element to provide 
additional styling. The second two are completely custom ARIA-based 
checkboxes, so the scripting is needed to actually make the <div> act 
like a checkbox.

Patrick H. Lauke | | | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Wednesday, 12 July 2023 22:05:57 UTC