Re: Advocating for the Standardization of UI/UX Patterns in HTML

On 07/07/2023 22:00, Royer Adames wrote:
> I trust this message finds you in good health. I am writing to propose the
> integration of widely used UI/UX patterns into the HTML standard, akin to
> what has been successfully done with the <dialog> tag.

WHATWG takeover already noted.  (Also this list is about 
accessibilility, not HTML, and is not limited to HTML.)

However, I think this would be more relevant to ARIA, than HTML, given 
that, since very early on HTML authors have rejected semantic HTML, and 
standard OS user interfaces.  ARIA is a mechanism for describing the 
semantic intent of HTML when the actual HTML is being used for its 
presentational effects.

Received on Monday, 10 July 2023 11:57:15 UTC