pre-deployment testing of W3C mail archive redesign

Dear WAI Interest Group,

We are redesigning the W3C e-mail archives. Changes include
improvements to:

  * the markup to communicate page structure, page regions, and
    message parts
  * keyboard accessibility
  * overall layout and design

The new design is now in place for the archives of this list at:

We will update the design of all W3C mailing list archives in the
coming days.

We invite feedback on any significant issues you may encounter in
the list archives, so that we can address them before we update
other archives.

To get your feedback to the redesign team, please:

  * open issues in the GitHub repository:

  * or send email to:

As always, thank you for your contribution to W3C WAI work.

--jose on behalf of the W3C Systeams team

Received on Friday, 7 July 2023 21:18:01 UTC