Link labels

Hello all

Can someone please clarify a point for me.

If I have a series of 'cards' all introduced by headings and under each card there is a control and they are all called 'find out more'

You click the control and more information expands

To me, the 'label' (i.e., the text which helps me identify the purpose of the control) includes the heading information. On its own 'find out more' is meaningless. I would say the heading needs to be programmatically associated as part of the button label to pass 1.3.1. Is this correct? Or is it ok because the heading is marked up as a heading?

This leads to my main question which is about links. If there is text adding context to a link, but is not programmatically associated with the link, should this fail 1.3.1? Just like it would for form labels that are not programmatically associated?

I am confused about how link labels are treated in comparison to other control labels. Does 'headings and labels' apply to link labels?



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