Re: 1.4.12 text spacing

Sorry, my auto correction and I have some issues. Next try:

I thought user styles are commonly used with an AddOn like Stylus…

Of course nearly nobody does this by hand. In these AddOns people can use styles that others made for them. For example a single person in a Facebook group or an association for whatever for the members or general public…

They even come with styles to choose from for sites with many visitors like google, fb, amazon…

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Marc Haunschild - he / him - #gernPerDu
Prüfstelle im BIK-BITV-Prüfverbund

Marc Haunschild Accessibility Consulting
Sonnenhof 32
53119 Bonn

Telefon: 0170 8 64 00 63
Web: https://Accessibility.Consulting 
Email: Marc.Haunschild@Accessibility.Consulting

> Am 28.09.2022 um 15:07 schrieb Marc Haunschild <>:
> I thought user styles are commonly used with an AddOns like Stylus…
> If course nearly nobody does this by hand. In theses adding people can use styles that other made for them. For example a single person in a Facebook group or an association for whatever for the members or general public…
> They even come with styles to choose from for sites with many visitors like google, fb, amazon...

Received on Wednesday, 28 September 2022 13:27:56 UTC