RE: [EXT] Time out provisions

Hi Carol,

Do you have detail on what part of it is problematic? For example, if the user has to do lengthy or complex work before hitting the target to continue, there's an argument there for either extending the time-out, making those tasks easier, or breaking up those tasks into smaller steps. You could also look into clearer, accessible communication about the time-out ahead of time.

I have observed big problems with short time-outs on authentication functions for users with disabilities, although those were much shorter, more like 30 seconds.

Always open to other takes!

Ronna ten Brink
Senior Human Factors Engineer
Department L185: User Experience, Visualization, and Decision Support
The MITRE Corporation
Phone: 571.424.9492
Pronouns: She/Her

From: Bradley, Carol <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 5:20 PM
Subject: [EXT] Time out provisions

Is there a good way to deal with timeout processes?  What about having a notification with a simple function such as "hit ____to continue.    We have received feedback that 15 minute automatic timeout is problematic for some users.  Our privacy folks are concerned about extending it.

Carol Bradley
Disability Access/504 Officer
Cell (916) 296-8762

Received on Friday, 26 March 2021 16:44:45 UTC