Re: Please reply off-list -- Re: { Creative agencies } experience with anyone listed?

I am also interested as I am assisting a large organization and would like to be able to suggest good accessible companies they could turn too.  I can not do all the work that is needed myself and would like reputable organizations.
Hoping its ok for me to ask if I could be cc’d in or if you’d share with me Caroline.  Thanks   -Helen 

iSent from the Event Horizon

> On Mar 25, 2021, at 3:46 PM, Shawn Henry <> wrote:
> Hi WAI IG folks and Caroline,
> This is an acceptable thing to ask on this list.
> *And we request that any replies go to Caroline directly.*
> Given the nature of this list, we want to be careful about addressing specific organizations and business propositions.
> Thanks,
> ~Shawn
> <>
>> On 25-Mar-21 4:08 PM, caroline wrote:
>> Hey there,
>> I was asked if I knew of any creative design agencies that have accessibility baked into their process.
>> I knew of 2 but for the life of me cannot recall the company names.
>> I'm somewhat familiar with
>> <>
>> And a search pulled up
>> https://www.moreycreative.con <https://www.moreycreative.con>
>> And another <>
>> I'm not sure if asking in this thread is a bad thing but I wondered if anyone has worked with these agencies or knows of a design agency with a strong level of experience. The person that me is really committed to having an accessible site for all her clients because she is govt funded.
>> Appreciate any input.

Received on Friday, 26 March 2021 07:50:01 UTC