Re: { Sticky Bar } 400% & Keyboard Navigation

On 02/03/2021 16:08, Chris O'Brien wrote:

> Question regarding the above: in your opinion what is the threshold? 
> This pattern presents significant challenges during reflow, and works 
> directly against those who need this accommodation (as you know). I find 
> this one particularly frustrating because it is clearly an anti-pattern 
> yet is it relegated to advisory status.

One follows from the other really: there's no easy-to-agree-on hard 
cut-off point where you can say "if it covers X% of the content, this is 
a fail, otherwise a pass", unless we make up an arbitrary number (which 
makes little sense, since it would then lack any kind of nuance ... what 
if something only covers a very tiny amount of content, but THAT 
particular bit of content is actually really (subjectively) important to 
the user?

Because it's not a simple binary value that can be agreed on, it's much 
tougher to make it a hard fail condition. Arguably, when things like 
this have been decided in the past (say, the cut-off for what is good vs 
bad color contrast), there's always edge cases where failing/passing 
just seems very arbitrary...

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Tuesday, 2 March 2021 16:29:42 UTC