Are these regions done correctly?

I am working at a typical film and video site and trying to improve
the accessibility of it.

In this site there are a number of sections of links to streaming
video arranged by subjects - these sections did not have aria-label or
aria-labelledby attributes on them so I added them in order that they
would function as region landmarks.

They look something like the following

<section role="region"
aria-label="Episode Guide">


<section aria-labelledby="focusList-11"><div
class="FocusList_titleContainer__2XUEm"><h2 id="focusList-11"> <!--
-->Alt vores livesport</h2> with a bunch of subtree with links to
different live streams.

(I've removed the class attribute etc, as well as the subtree of course)
each aria-label and aria.-labelledby are unique

When I look at the accessibility tree with Firefox developer's
accessibility tool it shows me that these sections are regions, and
not as a landmark which seems weird to me as I was under the
impression that a region was a sort of landmark? Impression gained

Anyway this is an initial thing I've done which I'm trying to work out
improvements for

but when I test it with voiceover on mac (catalina) - Danish language
- I don't get anything worthwhile really.

There are probably 20 - 30 regions in the front page of the site (one
intention is of course to restructure this to be 8-10) but when I go
to the landmark menu using the rotor in voiceover it shows me 4
landmarks and no aria label from anywhere is used in the landmarks.
Obviously I need to go test on a bunch of different platforms but
frankly a result this bad in a major vendor (voiceover) makes me think
- well that is not really going to be widely supported and isn't worth
doing. It's like trying to use SVG in the browser in 2006 or maybe
2004 really.

So my current considerations are -

1. have I done something wrong that when fixed will make the landmark
navigation work correctly.
2. Is landmark navigation working over a broad number of devices etc.
but not in Mac / Catalina - maybe Danish language problem?
3. Have I totally misunderstood how it is supposed to work, and if so
is there anyway to structure my markup so that a user will be able to
use landmark navigation to navigate to them?
3. Or is this part of the WAI spec so poorly supported that it isn't
going to be worth doing anything with.

The site is available at if anyone wants
to look it over (although not sure what will happen if you are coming
to it outside Denmark)

finally - my basic plan is to have about 10 regions/landmarks to page
for users to navigate to, one of these landmarks is going to have a
lot of subtrees in them arranged by subject like documentaries about
funny stuff, and working people, or action films etc. so when one gets
to this list of films region then one can start navigating further
among the lists by headers - does this seem like a reasonable way to
order it. Any suggestions?

Bryan Rasmussen

Received on Saturday, 20 February 2021 21:07:10 UTC