RE: Question regarding ARIA 1.1 authoring practice

Hi Ginger,

JAWS doesn't yet have a next/previous article quick key. You can assign one manually, but there is not one assigned by default.

As of now, because we don't yet have screen reader support for feed, it is not going to help much with JAWS.

If using without a screen reader, page up/down scroll through the articles, focusing each one as you go. Tab moves focus to all focusable elements, which includes both the articles and the focusable elements inside the articles (i.e., the bookmark buttons. That is consistent with the definitions in the pattern.

Keep in mind, there are still a lot of gaps in this pattern. There is work planned within the aria-at project to help fill some of the gaps this year.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ginger Claassen <> 
Sent: Friday, February 5, 2021 3:53 AM
Subject: Question regarding ARIA 1.1 authoring practice

Good Morning,

In the W3C ARIA 1.1 authoring practice in chapter 3.11 feed I have a slight problem with the given example - suggested keyboard behavior is page up / page down in order to move to the next / previous element (in the given example, the next / previous article). I am using  JAWS and was not able to perform the action, however, when using tab to go through the list the article and the book button are in tab-order which is fine as well but differs from the suggested keyboard behavior.

Can anyone maybe explain this shortly?

Solong and thx


Received on Friday, 5 February 2021 16:44:48 UTC