AW: Proper Implementation for a Filter Control

Hi Ashraf,

Thanks for your help. But the <datalist> visualistion is very similar as the <select> box of HTML. By us are the suggestions that can pop up only categories or tags, and it is more likely and more important that the user types in his filter string. For example, typing in “word” the object class list will shrink to “Microsoft Word” as the single entry. Or, typing in “Microsoft” will restrict the list to all MS Office products. The suggestions are additional category tags such as “Co-operation” letting in the list “Folder” and “Team folder”, or “Document” filtering to “MS Word”, “Text”, …


Ciao     Mario

Von: ashraf aleem <>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2021 13:48
An: Batusic, Mario <>
Cc: W3C WAI ig <>
Betreff: Re: Proper Implementation for a Filter Control

    Please also check if <datalist> would meet your requirement.

Thank you,

On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 1:07 AM Batusic, Mario <<>> wrote:
Hello All,

Can somebody help me by pointing to an example for the proper implementation for a filter widget or by an exact explanation how to do it? Thanks in advance.

Widget features:
Over a list of object classes to choose from during creating a new object instance (MS Word, Calendar, Contact and meny more) there is an input field where you can filter the list. This input - widget has two features:
1. When empty it is possible to click in or to press Down Arrow or Alt + Down Arrow to open a list of standard suggestions.
2. During typing in the input field the list of object classes is automatically filtered. To this time is the suggestion list not available.

1. Which role for the input will be the correct one: textbox or combobox (or something else)?
2. How to visualize that there are suggestions available for people who use keyboard only? According to the position of the filtering input widget directly above the list of object classes to choose from and because the focus is initially set into this field, the suggestion list is not shown automatically. This would overlap a big part of the list.

Thanks again in advance for your help.

Ciao     Mario

Received on Thursday, 28 January 2021 14:13:06 UTC