Re: Reflow persona "What's New WCAG 2.1"

This is good, it's a common problem.  I'm also taking it to mean that all
those websites which have ads which take up 50% of the browser's viewable
area and a cookie warning which takes up another 45% automatically fail.
And it's even worse when you have the browser's zoom or Windows DPI set
higher than 100%.  I was just trying to read an article on the Daily Mail
website, and it's appalling - I can't even scroll right because the text
doesn't go past the right side of the screen, it's just that the video ad
is on top of the right 40% of it (and the newspaper banner takes up about
the top 60% of the screen.  I could read the left half of three lines and I
didn't bother, I just closed it.

On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 9:54 AM Wayne Dick <> wrote:

> Please consider the following.
> "It's nearly impossible to read text if I have to scroll right and left to
> read each line. It's disorienting and I lose my place. It makes it hard to
> understand what I'm reading."
> "I have to scroll 50 to 100 times to read one page."
> The gross amount of scrolling is overwhelming. This was the one SC that
> got 100% support from the LVTF.
> Best, Wayne

Quentin Christensen
Training and Support Manager

User group:
Twitter: @NVAccess <>

Received on Friday, 18 September 2020 03:43:49 UTC