Accessibility impact of A with REL PREV / NEXT (in BODY) versus LINK with REL PREV / NEXT (in HEAD)


If you have a minute to help me with this I would be grateful and smile.

I am investigating the accessibility benefit, or lack thereof, of the use of 'rel' 'next' and 'rel' 'prev' in <body>, with <a> tags, as opposed to in <head> with <link> tags.

<a href=”dogs.html rel=”prev”>Dogs</a>
<a href=”cats.html rel=”next”>Cats</a>

While H59 ( demonstrates the accessibility benefit from using <link> with 'rel' in the <head>, I cannot seem to find any measure of the benefit of implementing these 'rel' values in the <body> with <a>s.

Does anyone know if it is generally accepted that as far as accessibility goes there is a comparable benefit from these two approaches, or no benefit with the BODY+A when compared to HEAD+LINK, etc?

Thanks, very much, for any comments.



Alan Bristow
Elections Canada
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Received on Friday, 31 January 2020 15:19:16 UTC