Re: Tables versus Grids

On 24/06/2020 16:17, Will Ringland wrote:
 > Is it a violation of 1.3.1 to use a grid (role=grid) instead of a table
 > to display tabular data?

Assuming the grid is correctly marked up, and all the relevant 
relationships (between header cells and data cells, what is a row, etc) 
are properly defined, I'd say it's not a failure. Unnecessarily 
convoluted perhaps, but not a failure.

> This usage fails for things like technique H51

Techniques are only suggestions. Sufficient techniques show you one way 
of achieving the high-level requirement of an SC. There will usually be 
more ways of achieving the same thing, and they may not have all been 
documented...techniques aren't exhaustive. So it's not a case of 
"failing" any particular technique. If you can make a reasoned case for 
still having achieved the ask of the SC, it's irrelevant if there's no 
sufficient technique that does it that way.

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Wednesday, 24 June 2020 15:39:10 UTC