RE: Conformance of Synchronised Lecture recording transcripts

Hi Rod and all

Regarding> The output of the transcription is a .vtt file containing timing information and the interface provided allows the transcript to be viewed alongside the video. The transcript scrolls automatically, highlights the section being spoken and also allows text searches of the entire lecture. The transcript also allows navigation of the video as clicking on any text in it synchronises the associated video to that point. It would seem to have some distinct advantages over captions.
Do you have a link to one of these files to review?
It is an interesting approach.

Go Bold’n
bob Minnery
Alternative Educational Resources  Ontario
W. Ross Macdonald School for the Visually Impaired and Deafblind
350 Brant Ave. Brantford On.,
N3T 3J9<><>
1-519-759-2522 ext.288

From: Estel·la Oncins Noguer <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 9:24 AM
To: Digges, Rod <>;
Subject: Re: Conformance of Synchronised Lecture recording transcripts

CAUTION -- EXTERNAL E-MAIL - Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender.

Here is a guideline from EOWG on Making Audio and Video Media Accessible<>

Under the section "Does My Media Need Captions?"
The different WCAG levels are specified:<>


Estel·la Oncins Noguer
Post Doctoral Research Fellow TransMedia Catalonia
Edifici MRA 126  - Campus UAB
08193 Bellaterra
T. +34 610 655 149<><>


De: Digges, Rod <<>>
Enviat el: dimecres, 22 d’abril de 2020 15:08
Per a:<> <<>>
Tema: Conformance of Synchronised Lecture recording transcripts

I wonder if anyone can help.

At UCL we're keen to follow WCAG 2.1 guidelines regarding access for pre-recorded video. We, like many other educational institutions, are now generating thousands of lecture recordings every year.

Our Lecture recording provider facilitate transcriptions (first pass using an automatic transcription engine the output of which can be subsequently corrected in an online editor).

The output of the transcription is a .vtt file containing timing information and the interface provided allows the transcript to be viewed alongside the video. The transcript scrolls automatically, highlights the section being spoken and also allows text searches of the entire lecture. The transcript also allows navigation of the video as clicking on any text in it synchronises the associated video to that point. It would seem to have some distinct advantages over captions.

I've been searching the guidelines (the closest I've found is -  for something that would allow me to be confident that this kind of facility complies with WCAG2.1 guidelines and also to understand what level (A, AA, AAA) could be ascribed to it but can't seem to find a mention of synchronised transcripts - Should I be looking elsewhere ? - any suggestions would be gratefully received.


Rod Digges

Digital Education

University College London

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2020 13:54:10 UTC