RE: Audio control accessibility mechanisms

> And yes, YouTube's use of SPACE as a general keyboard shortcut is, in my mind,
> quite a valid choice too. While some keyboard users will argue that it's not
> ideal as it prevents scrolling a page-ful at a time, I'd say its usefulness
> outweighs its downside there. But as Jonathan Avila pointed out, note that this
> keypress may not work with AT running (but then if the user can "quickly"
> reach the play/pause control, it's not a deal breaker).

"Quickly reach" a mechanism to stop audio with a screen reader running speech output is hardly feasible when web page audio is running, too. If web page audio is running and it is not what I expected/wanted/..., I usually have the choice of going back to the previous page or closing the browser window. I can find the mechanism to pause or stop the audio when the audio is completed, not before. Of course that all depends on volume settings.

The Youtube solution - once known - seems to work fine with a screen reader (Windows). 

* JAWS: Press space bar twice and a video goes silent, press once and it starts again. 
* NVDA: Press space bar once and a video goes silent, press once and it starts again.

My personal preference to kill web page audio would be esc, but spacebar does the job just as well.


Hellbusch Accessibility Consulting
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Received on Wednesday, 13 November 2019 07:22:47 UTC