Multiple ways for apps

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had any advice/good examples of mobile apps which
followed the WCAG guideline 2.4.5 Multiple Ways? I've found a few
information heavy apps that do this well by having a menu and also a search
bar (for example for news outlets), however, for apps such as Instagram,
the search function is not used to navigate around the app (just find new
content) and the only way to navigate  to all areas of the app is via the
tray at the bottom (which seems to be quite common e.g. is also the case on
the Easyjet app). This provides one way of navigation. I assume this means
it fails and Instagram and other apps like it would need to add another way
of navigating. Has anyone seen new innovative ways of providing more than
one way to navigate apps other than provide a search function?


Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2019 15:00:34 UTC