RE: Hidden text - Clip CSS deprecated

  *   Curious to know, what dodgy outlines does the offscreen to left method cause for you? I've used that method successfully before, but it only works well for left-to-right languages.

Some text positioned off the left edge techniques would cause visual jumpiness of the view on iOS with VoiceOver.  I haven’t checked it lately to see if it is still the same.


From: isabel brison <>
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2019 6:32 PM
To: Alastair Campbell <>
Cc: WAI Interest Group <>
Subject: Re: Hidden text - Clip CSS deprecated

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Hi Alastair,

The problem with clip-path is browser support is not very good (it doesn't work on IE, Edge or Safari). On the other hand, although clip is deprecated all browsers still support it and as far as I know there are no plans to scrap it yet. You can always use a combination of methods, but clip does have advantages over the others. Here's a codepen demonstrating a few different approaches: (tab through to make the buttons visible on focus)

Curious to know, what dodgy outlines does the offscreen to left method cause for you? I've used that method successfully before, but it only works well for left-to-right languages.


On Sat, 12 Jan 2019 at 01:43, Alastair Campbell <<>> wrote:
Hi everyone,

Some of the methods generally recommended for hiding text (e.g. for
non-visual use) utilise the 'clip' CSS property.

I've just seen that is now deprecated, and I'm wondering if anyone has
tried using the recommended clip-path property [1] instead?

For skip links (which show on focus) I'm happy to use the off-screen
to the left method, but that gives dodgy outlines for little snippets
of help text aimed at screenreader users.

Can anyone point to a well-tested method?





Received on Monday, 14 January 2019 21:49:14 UTC