Re: SC 4.1.1 source fails but DOM passes - must a page fail?

Since the intent of 4.1.x is compatibility with assistive technology (AT),
and since AT uses the resulting DOM and rarely if ever see the actual 
original source code
I would recommend the HTML in the DOM is what needs to be "valid", 
because then you/we know the user agent + AT did their job correctly as 
intended by the author / web developer. 

see - note it use 
term "content", not 'original source code:

...The intent of this Success Criterion is to ensure that user agents, 
including assistive technologies, can accurately interpret and parse 

Phill Jenkins
Check out the new system for requesting an IBM product Accessibility 
Conformance Report VPATŪ at
Accessibility Executive
IBM Accessibility

From:   "Bristow, Alan" <>
To:     "''" <>
Date:   01/10/2019 02:41 PM
Subject:        SC 4.1.1 source fails but DOM passes - must a page fail?

Tasked with declaring a page as passing or failing SC 4.1.1
I am looking for an authoritative source to back up one or other of these 
two positions:
1. HTML source MUST validate, regardless of whether the DOM is valid once 
JavaScript has loaded
2. HTML source may be INVALID as long as the DOM is valid after JavaScript 
has loaded.
This is something that must have come up before but I am sorry to say I 
cannot find the answer.
I suspect, since:
a). browsers change the DOM
b). some browsers are less capable than others and so some may fail to 
?mend? some invalid HTML
that I probably have to follow position 1. since it is unequivocal.
Thanks for any wisdom you can share.
Alan Bristow
Web Programmer
Policy and Public Affairs
Elections Canada
Desk 9-A-053
30 Victoria Street, Gatineau, QC K1A 0M6
Tel.: 819-939-2232

Received on Thursday, 10 January 2019 21:14:07 UTC