W3C TPAC: IE waver and Diversity fund

Hello WAI IG,

TPAC is from 16 to  20 September 2019, in Fukuoka, Japan [1].

If you're an Invited Expert (IE) that is active in a W3C Working Group 
(WG), the IE waver means you do not need to pay the TPAC registration 
fee. Otherwise the registration fees are:

€102/day until 21st June
€151/day until 31st August
€200 after that.

With thanks to sponsorship from Siteimprove, Samsung, The Paciello 
Group, TetraLogical, Microsoft, Adobe, and Dyno Mapper, there is a 
modest diversity fund available [2].

If you participate in a W3C WG, are part of a group that is 
under-represented within the web community, and would be unable to 
attend TPAC without financial assistance, you can apply to the diversity 
fund. Applications must be made before 14th July 2019.

[1] https://www.w3.org/2019/09/TPAC/
[2] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/diversity-fund-2019/

@TetraLogical TetraLogical.com

Received on Friday, 14 June 2019 07:02:50 UTC