Re: Accessible virtual tour

On Thu, 27 Sep 2018 18:29:11 +0200, Jessica Korkue  
<> wrote:
> Good afternoon all,
> Can anyone please provide any guidance on what is required to make a  
> virtual tour accessible? I realize the interface must be, but >what  
> about the imagery presented as one “moves” through the space?

Same as any other imagery:
- alternatives that don't require vision
- dealing with needs for high contrast, / colour differentiation, low  
visual acuity, minimise distracting motion, etc.
- if you provide audio explanations, making relevant sign language as well  
as text versions available is a good thing... (and if you don't have them,  
you should think about whether they will help people understand where they  
are and what they can "see".

It's also important to think about how people figure out where they are -  
if you rely on visual cues as feedback for people moving around, there is  
going to be a problem. There are a few ways to deal with this - you can  
provide actual landmarks so people can move from spot to spot, or you can  
provide other kinds of feedback so people know what is around them - for  
inspriation think 1980s-style text-only "adventure games" and "MUD"s  
(Multi-User Dungeons), or "choose your own adventure" books done with  
modern tools.



Received on Friday, 28 September 2018 09:35:02 UTC