Re: Font accessibility

On Tue, 26 Jun 2018 05:01:38 +0200, Felix Miata <>  

> Phill Jenkins composed on 2018-06-25 21:40 (UTC-0500):
>> Yes Felix, I was referring to "one size" metaphorically, not literally
>> "font size" in pixels or EM's, but that "one font style" that would not
>> fits everyone needs as discussed throughout the thread.
>> And, your example "zoom's" nicely in Chrome and Firefox to 200% so I can
>> view the page in the "size" that fits my need's best too.
> If you need to zoom, then something's wrong. :-p

True. But *what* is wrong turns out to be important.

> The foundational presumption is that personal computing device users
> personalize their devices,

> so that everything personalized that is not usurped by something else  
> displays and works optimally.

The conclusion is correct, but we have learned that in practice the  
foundational assumption is not.

Of the many reasons, a couple of very strong ones:
1. There are a lot of computing devices that are not personal but which  
people are required to use. Content that might end up on one must provide  
its own solution. People get used to that being the answer so expect it to  
be that way.

2. People's visual needs change very dynamically. Time of day, ambient  
light conditions (which can be related), fatigue levels, and the nature of  
the task they are doing all impact how people trade off variations between  
more screen space, more contrast, more content, and having to mess around  
with their device instead of performing the task at hand.

Peronalisation of most devices is hard enough that in particular having to  
mess with it to meet changing needs is something people avoid.

(As a random example I am typing this with a very white screen, because I  
am in the dark and cannot see things cmpletely external to the computer  
otherwise, and the most comfortable trade off wight now is to have my  
screen "too bright". Other times I would avoid that, e.g. having it too  
dark to preserve battery. Because reality is messy).


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Received on Thursday, 28 June 2018 23:01:03 UTC