Re: Drag and Drop with Drupal 8

Is there clarity on what WCAG 2.0 success criteria a drag and drop component should meet (e.g., 1.1.1,  2.1.1, 2.1.2, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 2.4.3, 3.3.2)?  

    On Monday, November 6, 2017 3:42 PM, Jennifer Sutton <> wrote:

  Greetings, WAI and Mike: 
  This kind of Drag and Drop functionality is needed, more and more, and even if/when it's done right, I think it's so rarely done that I'm not sure screen reader users (only, here) will actually have seen it often enough to understand how to do it. 
  In Mike's issue, here, for easy reference: 
  there's discussion of using ARIA grid. Again, grids are rare, and often not done right, so I'm not sure whether that would be necessary for drag and drop; it might be "over-ARIA-fication."
 I'll add a few more links, below, but suffice it to say, in my mind, WordPress *may* also come to need this functionality, such as, perhaps, via the new Gutenberg editor. So, it would be great if folks could collaborate/learn from one another. To that end, I'm bcc-ing some WordPress folks who, as far as I know, aren't on the WAI list. And I'm including some others who may have an interest/additional contributions.
  To my way of thinking, user testing with a range of users will be essential to getting this right, but the CMSs are in an excellent position to serve as training grounds for end users + promote tested approaches. 
  There are several more links, below, perhaps for addition to Mike's Drupal issue. And good luck to all. Best, Jennifer 
  A discussion of four possible patterns -- post via SalesForce: 
 This, from Shopify, which has been begun, but wasn't finished, last I looked at it:
 This SitePoint article by James Edwards that came out a while ago, but likely has concepts worth considering:
 And finally, this, related to Drag and Drop and React, which may not have much to do with accessibility, but does seem to have some useful usability concepts:
 On 11/5/2017 11:52 AM, Mike Gifford wrote:
 We’ve built a bunch of great accessibility solutions in Drupal 8 Core, but we haven’t modernized our Drag/Drop solution significantly. Because of some great innovations with a Layout Builder, we’re having to work on a 2D solution to this problem.  
  We’ve got links to some terrific ideas here, but it seems that there isn’t a good best practice out there that works for grids or other complex spatial organization. 
  We’re looking for examples of what we might have missed here.  Also, if there are folks interested in working on a common GPL solution to this, that would be amazing. 
    --  Mike Gifford, President, OpenConcept Consulting Inc. 
 Drupal 8 Core Accessibility Maintainer -
 Twitter: @mgifford @openconcept_ca 
 Open source web development for social change -
 Drupal Association Member | Acquia Partner | Certified B Corporation


Received on Tuesday, 7 November 2017 01:38:24 UTC