Drag and Drop with Drupal 8

We’ve built a bunch of great accessibility solutions in Drupal 8 Core, but we haven’t modernized our Drag/Drop solution significantly. Because of some great innovations with a Layout Builder, we’re having to work on a 2D solution to this problem. 

We’ve got links to some terrific ideas here, but it seems that there isn’t a good best practice out there that works for grids or other complex spatial organization. 

We’re looking for examples of what we might have missed here.  Also, if there are folks interested in working on a common GPL solution to this, that would be amazing.

Mike Gifford, President, OpenConcept Consulting Inc. 
Drupal 8 Core Accessibility Maintainer - https://drupal.org/user/27930
Twitter: @mgifford @openconcept_ca

Open source web development for social change - http://openconcept.ca
Drupal Association Member | Acquia Partner | Certified B Corporation

Received on Sunday, 5 November 2017 19:52:43 UTC