Facebook project - looking for alternative input device users

Hello everybody,

Knowbility, Inc. <http://www.knowbility.org/> is currently working on an
accessibility project with *Facebook*.

We need test participants who use alternative input devices - switches,
head sticks, sip and puff, head pointers, and other such devices. Test
participants will work with Chris Langston of Facebook, doing interviews
remotely from home. Participants will be *paid $50* for an hour of remote
testing, more if it takes longer.

If you know *Alt Input device users* who would like be part of this
project, please contact me, Marine Menier, directly - marine@knowbility.org or
at 512-527-3138 ext 106 <512-527-3138%20ext%20103>.

Or...test participants can sign up to participate at www.access-works.
knowbility.org. To register, click "get started", then click "sign up to be
a tester" and use promo code *ACCESSWORKS*.

Here’s what one of our testers has to say about her experience with

*“By joining AccessWorks team, I am helping organizations make websites
more useful for others who face the same barriers than me. I highly
recommend it for people who have disabilities. It does not cost anything
and makes you feel useful!”*

Thanks for your help! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Have a good day,


Marine Menier
1033 La Posada, Ste 372
Austin, TX 78752
512-527-3138 ext 106 <512-527-3138%20ext%20103>

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Received on Friday, 28 April 2017 16:06:10 UTC