Print Accessibility ... from Web Accessibility

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a *Print Accessibility Guidelines*, based (from a part) on
the WCAG...

*Here you can find my draft documents *(many hours of works and researches,
case studies, etc.)* :*

* <>*

There is 3 parts (+ introduction) :

   - Web from print
   - Print
   - contextual printing (sorry, difficult for me to translate in english,
   it's all the environnement of printing... using, paper, etc.)

*Some people are interested to work with me on this ?*
*I search also people to translate in English...*

all documents are in french...
one part left for this time because not really finish (contextual printing)
I will put another files after (ressources, documents, etc.)

*Please, can you give me your feedback ? about this initiative, about print
accessibility, about ... as you want !*

I'm so impress by work and involvement of US people in and on
accessibility... we don't have this in France... so, I'm sure you will
be sensitized of this important project, because accessibility is not only
on the web or in building constructions !

Bien à vous tous,
ps : I'm french living in France... with beautiful french accent when I
speak english ;-)

Received on Tuesday, 20 December 2016 14:59:29 UTC