Re: plain/simple/easy language variant subtag


On 17/09/15 23:03, Jim Tobias wrote:
> For now we can only rely on what authors do both in terms of
> addressing the cognitive skills and needs of as wide a user base as
> possible (given the purpose of the author's effort) and in terms of
> giving users some choices. They know or should know their audience
> and the domain so why not focus on assistance to authors? Giving them
> markup and an explanation is eminently feasible.

As an author my impression is that markup is missing for this topic. For
example, I currently work on a website where there should be "simple
translations" of content. I do not know how to semantically encode this

My approach was to treat this as just another translation which lead me
to the question which language tag I should use for it. So I contacted and started a discussion there.

I understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, so my idea was
to register a "-simple" subtag as a first step that can later be
complemented with more specific subtags. Do you think I should continue
with this effort? Would this improve the current situation? Or should
there first be more discussion?


Received on Friday, 18 September 2015 17:35:06 UTC