Call for Review: Mobile Accessibility - How WCAG 2.0 and Other W3C/WAI Guidelines Apply

Dear WAI Interest Group Participants,

WAI invites you to comment on the First Public Working Draft of "Mobile Accessibility: How WCAG 2.0 and Other W3C/WAI Guidelines Apply to Mobile" at:

This document describes how WCAG 2.0 principles, guidelines, and success criteria apply to mobile web content, mobile web apps, native apps, and hybrid apps using web components inside native apps. It provides guidance on mobile accessibility issues --such as small screen size, touch target size, zoom, gestures-- and how they relate to WCAG 2.0. It links to a list of existing WCAG Techniques that apply to mobile. The document also highlights the relevance of UAAG 2.0 and ATAG 2.0 in the mobile context, and links to UAAG 2.0 mobile accessibility examples.

This document provides informative guidance, and does not set requirements. It may become a W3C Working Group Note, or the information may be integrated into WCAG Techniques and Understanding WCAG. (It will not impact WCAG 2.0 itself; WCAG 2.0 is a stable standard that does not change.)

Specific questions that we particularly seek feedback on are listed in the Status section at: <>
We welcome comments *by 26 March 2015* to the publicly-archived mailing list:
or through Github:

W3C WAI's broader work related to mobile accessibility is introduced in a overview of Mobile Accessibility at: <>
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is introduced in the overview at: <>
User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) is introduced in the overview at: <>
Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) is introduced in the overview at: <>

This document is developed by the Mobile Accessibility Task Force (Mobile-A11y TF), a joint task force of the WCAG Working Group and the UAAG Working Group. The Task Force assists these Working Groups to produce techniques, understanding, and guidance documents, as well as updates to existing W3C material that addresses the mobile space. Additional information on the Mobile-A11y TF is available from: <>

The first URI above goes to the latest version of the document. The "dated" version of this draft is: <> The difference between these URIs are explained in Referencing and Linking to WAI Guidelines and Technical Documents at: <>

Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your comments.
Feel free to circulate this message to other lists; please avoid cross-postings where possible.

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Shawn Henry, WAI Outreach
Kathy Wahlbin, Mobile-A11y TF Facilitator
Kim Patch, Mobile-A11y TF Facilitator
Jim Allan, UAWG Chair
Andrew Kirkpatrick, WCAG WG Co-chair
Joshue O Connor, WCAG WG Co-chair
Jeanne Spellman, UAWG Staff Contact
Michael Cooper, WCAG WG Staff Contact
Judy Brewer, WAI Director

Received on Thursday, 26 February 2015 21:16:22 UTC