On 14 May 2015 at 10:45, Léonie Watson <lwatson@paciellogroup.com> wrote:
> It turns out that Firefox exposes the table semantics through both
> IAccessible2 and MSAA, but neither Internet Explorer or Safari (on OS X)
> exposes the semantics.
Note that while Firefox does this it also provides an IA2 object attribute
layoutGuess: true or absent if false, in the case of your example table
layoutGuess: true.
This information is provided to allow AT to hide the layout table semantics
if they desire.
In the case of a chess board (example: http://codepen.io/stevef/pen/KpzRKO)
marked up using a table the layoutguess is false (absent)
HTML 5.1 <http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/>