Re: SC 3.3.4

On 27/04/15 10:49, Emanuela Gorla wrote:
> I still believe that a review screen that allows users to check and
> correct information is the best solution. However, would a website that
> does not have a review screen but checks for input errors on each form
> of a purchasing process satisfy SC 3.3.4?

What are the consequences of entering invalid data?  How easy is it to 
correct later?  Can correction be done at no cost to the user.

Anything that involves a payment, and especially if shipping, or 
customisation, or non-refundable commission costs may be incurred, 
really needs a review screen.  Statistical information that will be 
anonymised, probably doesn't, as long as a few errors will not 
significantly distort the results.

Received on Monday, 27 April 2015 11:07:52 UTC