user agent support for ARIA attributes?

Is anybody tracking and publishing browser and AT support for the various
ARIA attributes? There's no shortage of published tests, but is anybody
aggregating the results?


In August, Dylan Barrell from Deque published a great deck that included a
slide of "compelling" ARIA roles - those that work consistently across
browsers with pretty widespread support.


This is Barrell's list, fyi:

Landmark Roles: main, search, navigation, contentinfo, complementary, banner

Live Region Roles: log, status, alert

Some Widget Roles: 

-          tabpanel and tab

-          slider

-          menu, menubar, menuitem and associated attributes 

-          dialog, in combination with the document role to get it to work

-          tree and treeitem - a bit tricky to get to work reliably 

Some form roles: button, textbox, checkbox, radio, radiogroup 

Presentation role


Good to know, but I'm looking for something more formal.


All the best,




Jeff Orchard

Consultant, IA and Accessible Digital Design

Toronto, Canada

Received on Thursday, 18 September 2014 18:09:50 UTC