Re: HTML5 DL Element vs. WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria

On 7 February 2014 19:11, Steve Green <>wrote:

> Some might argue that using so-called 'correct' semantics will somehow
> encourage AT vendors to improve their products at some indeterminate point
> in the future, but the cost is an impaired user experience for some people
> right now.

no, what will cause AT vendors to improve their products is people filing
bugs and providing clear advice via web standards .

For example JAWS implemented support for HTML5 section element such that
that start and end of each instance was announced. This caused a degraded
users experience. JAWS was implementing as per the HTML specification, but
it was unclear what the expected behaviour should be. This was remedied in
the specification with the addition of the following text:

"*Note:* It is strongly  recommended that user agents such as screen
readers only convey the presence of, and provide navigation for
sectionelements, when the
section element has an accessible name."

along with this people wrote articles and filed bugs with freedom
scientific, this resulted in a fix for the issue in the latest JAWS 15 hot



HTML 5.1 <>

Received on Friday, 7 February 2014 19:27:47 UTC