RE: HTML5 DL Element vs. WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria

Thanks, Ramón,

> Definition lists are not accessibility supported. Period.

As a screen reader user I have always thought of definition lists as bad web
design. I use JAWS and of course it is the way JAWS deals with definition
lists. My usual way of navigating through content ist with Ctrl+arrow keys
and when it komes to definition lists, JAWS will join the DD with the
following DT and not the DT with its following DDs. I am running JAWS 13
with IE11 here and it is still that way.

> I admit that tables might not be the best solution and that they look 
> "ugly" in terms of semantics, but they are quite more accessibility 
> supported and far more easy to understand. Even simple <ul> or <ol> 
> lists have better support; at least the screen readers announce a 
> "nesting level" that conveys an extra piece of "relationship".

You get the nesting levels with DL as well. 

Tables are a lot easier to use in a screen reader than DL for 2 column data.
In some situations it might be semantically prettier to use DL, but what
counts is how users can deal with code.


Jan Eric Hellbusch
Tel.: +49 (231) 33005825 oder +49 (163) 3369925
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Received on Friday, 7 February 2014 08:25:12 UTC