Is it a good practice to put <article>s inside <li>s?

Typically on the front page of a blog, there are several teasers, and
each teaser is an <article>. And usually blog comments are markuped
using <article>s, too.

My concern is: Is it a good practice to put those <article>s inside
<li>s? I used to do that because those <article>s together look like
they are presented in a way of a certain amount/quantity. So when it
comes to listing a certain amount/quantity of elements, <ul> and <ol>
are the best choices.

However, maybe I need to reconsider that because putting <article>s
inside <li>s seems to be a misuse of <li> element. Especially when a
blog comment is lengthy. And I also want to take accessibility into
account. I'm not sure if doing that causes confusions to assistive
technologies users or not.

Kind Regards,
Ian Yang

Received on Tuesday, 30 April 2013 13:48:11 UTC