Identifying results with color

Hi all,

in an application with multiple search possibilities, search results in a
document are highlighted by different colors. In this particular application
it will be possible to search for over 10 strings simultaneously and they
will all be highlighted in different colors. The result can be confusing to
anybody, but currently the accessibility is being discussed. 

The preliminary solution will be to associate every color with a number,
i.e. if a user searches for "quick" and then "brown" then the document may
extended by numbers:

"The 1quick 2brown fox jumped, but didn't catch up with the 1quick 2brown

1 might be blue and 2 a different color.

Does anybody have other suggestions on how to solve the problem? Many colors
will be used. In this case, it doesn't make too much sense to develop icons,
because we don't know how many searches will be sent to the document. And
yes, we are trying to conform to success criterion 1.4.1.

We are also worried about contrast, but that may be a subject for a
different thread.

Thanks for any input.


Jan Eric Hellbusch 
Tel.: +49 (231) 86436760 oder +49 (163) 3369925
Web:     Twitter:
Das Buch über barrierefreies Webdesign:
"Barrierefreiheit verstehen und umsetzen - Webstandards für ein zugängliches
und nutzbares Internet"
812 Seiten, Dpunkt Verlag (2011)

Received on Wednesday, 10 April 2013 14:48:23 UTC