Re: Quick Poll for JAWs users: Verbosity and Punctuation settings.

Hi, Adam and all,

> And in answer to your question: you should not bother using off-screen text.
> It is arguable that it doesn't meet 1.3.1 and screen reader users are not
> the only people with disabilities who are going to be viewing the page nor
> the only type of assistive technology used. 

As many other techniques, off-screen text can comply with 1.3.1 (and any 
other SC) if used properly. Indeed, hiding a portion of a link is a very 
useful technique that can help blind users to understand the purpose of 
a link in situations where the visual design doesn't allow the full text 
to be shown.

For example:

<h2>Annual Report 2011</h2>

<p>Last year our incomes where...</p>

<p><a href="report_2011.pdf">
<img src="pdf-ico.png" alt="" />
<span class="hide-off-screen">Annual Report 2011 in PDF format</span>


Received on Sunday, 29 July 2012 16:26:45 UTC