Re: title attributes on links

Ramón Corominas wrote:

> Which makes me wonder why it is acceptable (and even promoted) to use the
> title instead of a <label> for form controls. Don't we have techniques to
> hide labels preserving their accessibility?

Who and why would anyone want to promote a non-accessible technique?
'label' is an essential navigation mechanism for people using all kinds of
AT, as I observed, once again, while testing software with a Dragon user.
'label' is even more important than 'alt'!!! While I can describe the
contents of an image in the content, or even use the 'title' attribute,
without losing functionality, whereas without the 'label' attribute I have
reduced functionality and reduced mobility.

Failure to use 'label', if it is not already so, should be a Level A

Received on Monday, 28 May 2012 08:14:25 UTC