Re: SharePoint Accessibility: Alt Text Attributes on Active Images inside data grid (in ‘more accessible mode’)

What styles are applied to the image through that "ms-hidden" class? And have you tried widths & height greater than 1px? Maybe the JAWS silence is caused by that?.. (just guessing)

Devarshi said:

> **For those who use screen readers**  You may already now, but there
> are hidden images inside the SharePoint grid, with an alt text value
> of "Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window)." This supplemental
> text gives the shortcut key information to open a dialog. Please note
> a few observations that follow:
> 1.    On running JAWS (text link > set to favor title attribute), all
> images are ignored, which means, no alt text announcements are made.
> 2.    On running JAWS (text link > set to favor screen text), all images
> are detected, meaning, alt text announcements are made.
> Note: I am not sure how changing the settings affect the alt text
> announcement, which should occur regardless of the change in settings
> (1, 2 above).
> Could the code be responsible? On removing internal references, the
> code follows:
> *******************************
> <td><A onfocus="OnLink(this)" HREF=""
> onclick="javascript:EnterFolder('xyz');return false;">AnyName<img
> src="/_layouts/images/blank.gif" class="ms-hidden" border=0 width=1
> height=1 alt="Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new
> window)."></A></td>
> *******************************
> Basically, when a user cannot ascertain the alt text of an image,
> which in this case must occur independently of AT’s settings (noted in
> 1, 2 above), should it be a failure, or not?
> Thanks,
> Devarshi

Received on Wednesday, 9 November 2011 17:45:53 UTC