RE: Web video accessibility

we've been arguing since the web was a single spider.

I made it clear that I was testing with lowest common denominator.

I didn't say I routinely run lynx, but many do. have firefox and all the 
others you ORCA and EmacSpeak

> Open-Source soap-box and rail your fist at the audacity of software

> That truly depends on how you a) measure "access" and accessible, and b)
> what your expectations of web content is.
> 25 years ago (when there was no "web"; the World Wide Web celebrating its
> 20th anniversary this month - August 6, 1991*) you had text-based systems
> such as UseNet or IRC, but history and science march on, and today we have

was using arapanet via Westinghouse Aerospace in 1973.....on a UNIVAC 1108

nuff said.


Received on Wednesday, 17 August 2011 02:17:29 UTC