RE: how accessible are these pdfs

Hi Roger,


The documents are relatively clean but not fully "Accessible". Heading
structure, bulleted lists and links were fine but tables and images need to
be looked at. Please find below the findings for the 3 documents tested
using JAWS 9 & Adobe Reader 9:



1.      Alt text read out immediately after h1 on the page is redundant as
you have mentioned order of the image is not correct but alt itself is not
required in this context. 

2.      Australasian Gannet 

3.      Table on page2 lacks table headers .

4.      Footer information is not read out, does not seem to be important in
this document but is essential at least when it includes legal details, such
as copyright etc. In my perspective user should have at least have access to
that information once in the document. 




5.      Alternate text is available as the first piece of information on the
page, but dual instances of the same were found: "Swamphell on the grass"
beginning of the page and "mc-ref" before the figure caption.

6.      Footer information same as "Gannet" document.




7.      Again dual instances of the alt is found on page 1 of the document
"Australian Pelican" and "mc-ref" both before the figure caption.

8.      Footer issue same as other two documents

9.      Table on page 2 lacks table headers.



Thanks & Regards,
Priti Rohra
Head Accessibility Testing
Net Systems Informatics (India) Pvt. Ltd. & BarrierBreak Technologies
Web: <blocked::>  | <blocked::> 
Blog: <blocked::> 


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From: [] On Behalf
Of Roger Hudson
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:09 AM
Subject: how accessible are these pdfs




I have just recently prepared three simple test PDFs and I am interested in
seeing how accessible they are for users of different assistive
technologies. If you have a moment, would you mind considering this short
article and the PDFs that it links to - 


All feedback greatly appreciated.






Roger Hudson

Web Usability

Email:  <>

Web:  <> 



Received on Thursday, 14 October 2010 06:58:13 UTC