Re: Consistent ID (3.2.4), Link Purpose (2.4.4), and Multiple Ways (2.4.5)

On 4 Aug 2009, at 15:51, Chris Reeve wrote:

> I saw that a technique for Multiple Ways is C7. I want to make sure  
> my text link passes, Consistent ID, Link Purpose, 2.4.4, and  
> Multiple Ways 2.4.5.
> My boss does not want me to show "PDF", "Text", "Word",  
> "Powerpoint", in the text link. t Currently these portions of the  
> text link are hidden.

You are providing information about the format of the file that is  
being linked to for users of screen readers, text browsers, browsers  
with CSS disabled, etc, etc.

How are non-screen reader users, with CSS enabled web browsers  
supposed to get that information?

If they can't, what is the point of providing the information at all?

David Dorward

Received on Tuesday, 4 August 2009 15:06:24 UTC