Re: accessibility supported questions


Christian  Strobbe wrote
>If we took PDF as an example, we would see that the Adobe Reader is
>> available in all the official langauges of the EU except Irish and 
>> Maltese.

Official languages in the EU and also recognised by the Council of Europe 
are also many minority languages as Sorbian and Frysian in Germany, Frysian 
and Limburgs in the Netherlands, Letzeburgs in Luxemburg  I don't think 
there is an appropriate screenreader for all those languages, although 
papers and many books are existing in these languages. Even the regional law 
is allowed to be written in only these languages.
Our Dutch government received a warning from the EU that it does too little 
promotion for these recognised languages.

Even when this problem has been solved there is another problem still 
existing: how to make music partitures accessible in the internet? When 
somebody can tell me how to make difficult long orchestra partitures 
accessible without using music  (because of the rights ), then please tell 
me. And tell it all the music archives around the world. It is possible to 
scan the partiture, but describing the music with alt attribute is a 
problem. You can tell it is in e.g. in a moll, written for  a big symphony 
orchestra etc. and then end of the story?

Pls tell me how to do it, I need it for a website.

Ineke van der Maat

Received on Wednesday, 1 April 2009 19:31:29 UTC