RE: WYSIWYG [OT?] :: User Experience (Was: Layout Tables vs. Style Sheets)..

This is why I like to use NoteTab Light. I don't have to write every bit of
code. I can adjust what it writes for me by using its clip language. I can
feal and hear the code. I can have my cake, make it, and eat it.



James D Homme, Usability Engineering, Highmark Inc.,, 412-544-1810

"The difference between those who get what they wish for and those who
don't is action. Therefore, every action you take is a complete
success,regardless of the results." -- Jerrold Mundis
Highmark internal only: For usability and accessibility:

             "Cheryl D Wise"                                               
             .com>                                                      To 
             Sent by:                  "'Harry Loots'"                     
             w3c-wai-ig-reques         <>,             
           , "'Cindy Sue      
                                       Causey'" <> 
             10/08/2008 09:38                                              
             AM                                                    Subject 
                                       RE: WYSIWYG [OT?] :: User           
                                       Experience (Was: Layout Tables vs.  
             Please respond to         Style Sheets)..                     

Okay, I won't say never but I've dealt with blind web designers, with
dyslexics and those with mobility impairment who appreciate the code
completion, auto complete-whatever your editor chooses to call it. Color
coding helps many, I know it does me.

FWIW, Dreamweaver, Expression or even FrontPage do not change my code (I no
longer have FrontPage installed anywhere so I can't tell you exactly which
tab under Site > Site Settings lets you turn off "fix" code but it was
in FrontPage 2000.

In Dreamweaver it is under Edit > Preferences > Code Rewriting. While in
Preferences you can also turn off or change color coding, code hinting,
configure css formatting, highlighting and a whole bunch of other stuff
along with setting what browsers to preview in, paths for server side
applications and other things.

In Expression Web go to Tools > Page Editor Options. You tabs for color
coding, Intellisense, code format. Under Tools > Application options you
set it to use the same color scheme as your OS so if you have a high
contrast screen or some other that helps you see better you can set it
as well as the location of your PHP executable for previewing php code you
may be using.

You don't have to hand code everything to "be in touch with the code you
use". If that is what suits you go for it but personally my joints
appreciate not having to type every single character and I find it easier
spot errors that may have crept in when I can see color coding,
or red squiggles under syntax errors. My typing is such that syntax errors
can crept in simply due to typos not because I need help with the code.

Cheryl D Wise
Adobe Community Expert - Dreamweaver
MS MVP - Expression Web

-----Original Message-----
From: Harry Loots

Thank you and AMEN to that, Cindy Sue
And thank you for speaking for all of us who are in touch with the code we

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2008 14:23:28 UTC