Re: WCAG2 Conformance Questions

Hi Ginger,

here are a few tools:

Open Source Screen Readers that have ARIA support:
-ORCA if your running Linux:
-NVDA if your running Windows:
-Fire Vox which is a plug-in for Firefox, is handy for Web content browsing:

Conformance Testing tools
-Valid HTML:
-Valid CSS:
-WCAG2 AA conformance A-Checker:

 Accessible Web 2.0 content/apps are currently only possible through the WAI-ARIA specification as people have mentioned. I've written a few papers on ARIA Live Regions and would be happy give example code etc. if you could describe the widgets or behavior your trying to achieve in your Web app. I could also send links to my papers as a shameless plug :) Would people here find this off topic?


On 18/08/08 5:21 AM, "Ginger Claassen" <> wrote:

Hello all,
I am new to this list and would like to use this occasion to briefly
introduce myself. I am 33 years old and blind and currently want to create a
WCAG 2.0 conform website. I am working in a very small business and we would
like to change our website in a way to make it accessible. I looked around
and found a few tools to evaluate websites in order to make it a bit faster
but so far I could not which one would be good for checking against WCAG
Maybe someone in this list can help me and refer one or two good programs or
add-ons. That would be very helpful since checking all pages by hand would
be a very lengthy process.

Thanks in advance for your help and support!

Kind regards

     Ginger Claassen

Received on Thursday, 21 August 2008 13:06:02 UTC