Re: Template for Accessible Web Page

On 24 Mar 2008, at 20:07, Matt Morgan-May wrote:
> On 3/24/08 12:58 PM, "David Dorward" <> wrote:
>>> [MM] Now you're really overreaching. A pipe is not "ASCII art".
>> Really? It is an ASCII character. It is being used for visual
>> appearance, and not the meaning it has (since it doesn't have any
>> meaning in English). That sounds like ASCII art to me.
> [MM] It's not. From WCAG 1.0:
> "ASCII art refers to text characters and symbols that are combined  
> to create
> an image. For example  ';-)' is the smiley emoticon."

Interesting definition. '|' qualifies in every respect except  
"combined", and at a stretch you could say that ' | ' meets that  
fragment of the definition too.

 From a practical standpoint, screen readers (depending on which one  
and how they are configured) so pronounce it as 'pipe', which makes  
no sense in the context.

David Dorward

Received on Monday, 24 March 2008 20:13:57 UTC