What's up with Synthia Says?

For a long time the online 'Synthia Says' accessibility validation tool
was my favorite, for its thoroughness, for its complete output, for its
clear descriptions. Something I would recommend to others, too,
especially beginners.

But lately I've started to notice problems. For instance:
1. Whatever is specified on the form [1], if you select WCAG the tool
will check level 1 guidelines only and mark *all* level 2 and level 3
items as "not selected for verification". Even if you did select level
2 and/or 3.
2. There is no contact link for reporting problems with the tool. (I
seem to remember there used to be one.)
3. Accompanying pages (largely helpful) mention a user forum - but
there is no link to any forum. Using search to look for "forum" does
bring up a link, but following that [2] only brings an ASP error.

Has Cynthia Says been abandoned?

It would be a shame if such a good, and free, tool were left to

[1] http://www.cynthiasays.com/
[2] http://www.cynthiasays.com/forum/forum.asp

Marjolein Katsma
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Received on Sunday, 20 April 2008 15:19:22 UTC