Re: WCAG 2.0 and scripting wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Sep 2007, Isofarro wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> one of the major advantages of Linux and EMACSpeak is that it is
>>> little or no cost...and it is a full featured modern AT.
>> Calling it a full featured modern AT seems a misnomer if it has problems
>> dealing with websites that use JavaScript.
> it is text based.

There's no valid implication that JavaScript is "not text based". Dom is 
nothing more than the representation of a text markup in an object form 
for easy manipulation by script. The very nature of HTML as a text 
markup language is not changed, blocked or hindered by a scripting 
language that changes the text and markup dynamically.

A tool that cannot cater for an HTML document that changes dynamically 
is neither fully featured, nor modern.

Received on Thursday, 27 September 2007 19:26:20 UTC