Re: Working Draft Comments

With regard to WCAG 2.0 Working Draft comments, on a related thread I had 

>The WCAG WG has received hundreds of comments, all of which input they 
>value. They have been processing issues that were raised in these 
>comments. As a part of getting ready for their next release, they have 
>been rechecking and preparing responses on comments that they have 
>received previously. With the upcoming release of their next draft, the WG 
>will be responding to people who have sent comments.

A few more clarifications in response to the further questions & comments 
following that posting:
- Yes there is a database, called Bugzilla, of issues that have been raised.
- When the WCAG WG issues its next draft, it will respond to people who 
have previously sent comments, and yes those responses to commenters will 
indicate the location of the commenters' issues in the database.
- The database does include disposition of comments. As the WCAG WG has 
been working hard to prepare their next draft, the database may not be 
completely updated yet, so I suggest that it would be more productive to 
look through the database after the upcoming draft rather than at this moment.

I want to emphasize, again, that the comments that we receive on W3C/WAI 
Working Drafts are valuable contributions to the development of the 
documents, and that they all receive consideration.


- Judy

At 10:07 AM 3/21/2006 -0500, wrote:
>Thanks for the comments chaals. I will go look
>Do you know if the system provides feedback by version of the document for 
>easy filtering. Also do you know if comments are listed that are mailed 
>into or just ones posted on the list.
>I will go search for this now.  It might be "Cool" if on every release of 
>a document that it lists what comments or BugZilla Items were resolved or 
>discarded in the current release.

Judy Brewer    +1.617.258.9741
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIT/CSAIL Building 32-G530
32 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA,  02139,  USA

Received on Tuesday, 21 March 2006 20:28:02 UTC